Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hello~ I'm gonna upload some pictures of the awesome dinner we had in Ciao Italia and cell on 20/3/2009. =D

Ansley studying while waiting for seat....gengness!

Yay Ryan!

Yup that's some of the pics taken at Ciao Italia...Coming up is...Cell Group!! We watched the DVD about our indescribable God and had steamboat for refreshment!

Game- Angelene hang on!

Super Big screen!

Refreshment time!!

Ryan looks super into the food XD

Ended up having 2 extra Domino's Pizza cause *Someone* wanted it. Haha. And Triple Cheese is super geng!! but not advisible for penniless uni student such as Ansley. Muahahaha...

Hope everyone will have a Great Week! And hope we all attend all our classes and do all our assignments! (except for Steph who obviously has graduated and escaped uni happily ever after).

Till then, God Bless!


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