Friday, March 6, 2009

2nd Cell Ended!

Hey guys and girls, Bros and Sis! Waddup?! Wilson Here!

Anyway, I'm sort of given the authority to write and post and contribute something to this cell blog that we have. So here I am trying to make some use of myself haha= p.

Tommorow morning (Saturday) there's voleyball competition ( I think ) at Nedlands from 9.45am till 12pm. It'll be at the corner of verdun street and smyth road, Nedlands. I don't know where exactly it is but here's a map...

Yeah but don't hesitate to call either me or Angeline or anyone else you know to ask about the voleyball thingy =D.

Saturday Celebration at UWA zone will start at 4.30pm till something like 6.30pm at Murdoch Lecture Theatre. But do come early at about 4pm to attend Edu Cell to get some 'Edu'cation ya?(and to avoid getting killed by Angeline). If anyone of you need transport to UWA and haven't arrange any yet, gimme a call or something and I'll arrange it for you!

We should be going out for dinner after service and I hope that we will go UNCLE BILLY's!!! So long never dine there already! XD. If you are free and no dinner plans yet why not come along and fellowship and maybe meet some more new friends and make life more interesting?

Like this:

Btw do pray and prepare your hearts before comming service later yea? See ya all soon !


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