Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heya bros and sis! How's your week goin? Wilson here again~
As for me, I've been trying to study and finish some assignments off (Keyword : trying). But yea still trying hard XD.

Anyways, it's getting hotter again here in Perth! I guess Summer is telling us he is still around eh? Better get out there and do more sports and outdoor activities before Winter (and exams) draws near!

Btw, I was searching in the internet for this comic stip I saw some time ago. A friend of mine emailed it to me long time ago. I spent 2 days finding it but still can't find it. So I resorted to DRAW it out myself, and then upload to this blog to share with you all =D.

Here it is :

Found it interesting and really can relate to it sometimes. What does this comic strip tell you? Why not share your thoughts thru the chatbox located at the upper left hand side of the blog? =)

Meanwhile, don't forget to continue praying no matter how busy/occupied you are k?

Like what Paul said :" Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."
If you are interested you can read more in Collosians 4:2 ^^


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