Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hello~ I'm gonna upload some pictures of the awesome dinner we had in Ciao Italia and cell on 20/3/2009. =D

Ansley studying while waiting for seat....gengness!

Yay Ryan!

Yup that's some of the pics taken at Ciao Italia...Coming up is...Cell Group!! We watched the DVD about our indescribable God and had steamboat for refreshment!

Game- Angelene hang on!

Super Big screen!

Refreshment time!!

Ryan looks super into the food XD

Ended up having 2 extra Domino's Pizza cause *Someone* wanted it. Haha. And Triple Cheese is super geng!! but not advisible for penniless uni student such as Ansley. Muahahaha...

Hope everyone will have a Great Week! And hope we all attend all our classes and do all our assignments! (except for Steph who obviously has graduated and escaped uni happily ever after).

Till then, God Bless!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

CELL!! 20-3-2009


Hello everyone!

How's everyone been? Mid exams are coming up soon right? haha enjoy studying while you can.. trust me.. u will definitely miss it when you are a graduate. Anyways, details for cell this friday are as follows:

Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Victoria's house :)
Games: Eunice
Worship: Ashley
Word: Anglene
Refreshment: STEAMBOAT! WOOHOOOO (Our lovely Victoria & Pauline will be buying food for the steamboat and we will all share the costs.. estimate about $10-15 per head so please bring your money tmr in cell or you won't get to it any! hahaha)

Come with an expected heart :)


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The GLutTons..

Cant believe we actually waited for ONE hour just to have dinner...
but it was worth waiting for n great fun!!!! 
So, this week , whoever who is doin' refreshment, u will hv ALOT to live up to.

p/s: ChongWei CAN EAT ALOT!!!!!!!!! hhaha.. :p
Wilson.... pictures!!! *wink*wink*


Video of last Saturday's Sermon!

Hey guys one of my friends found this on the web! It's last week's sermon about our indescribable God! I summarized it in the previous post but you can watch the whole sermon here.

I really encourage you to spend some time watching this video. It's a really encouraging sermon! I can't tell you how it impacted my days to come, you have to experience it yourself!

Check it out ya?


Monday, March 16, 2009

CIAO iTaLia~~~

we are finally goin!! wooHOO.

Venue : the GREAT CIAO italia
       273 Mill Point Rd South Perth, WA 6151, Australia
               +61 8 9368 5500
Time : be there at 6.30 (probly have to cue for half an hour) , so if u r kiasu, bring ur notes there 
            to study......-__-"
Transport : - Ansley/Angelene pick carol, pauline, eunice wong, n maybe ryan.
                     - Victoria pick ur darlin, wilson n chongwei
                     - stef pick urself. mayb go earlier abit to book space?

Everybody got this? pls rsvp at the comments ok!!!!!!!!

All in all

Hey guys it's 4th week of uni already! How fast time passes by when we are occupied with lots of stuffs ya?

Anyway just wanna share a song here, it's called "You Are My All in All".

I remember last time I used to sing this old hymn in my church back home. I sang the chinese version of it =p. But no matter what language we sang it in, our God will still hear our praises!

English Version:

Lyrics :

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name

A very beautiful song that I like, and I'm sure God will love it as well if you sang it with your heart truly meaning what you say =).

For those who are interested, chinese version here .

Have a Blessed week!


ps. please write something in the chatbox! I dun wanna feel like I'm the only one here in this blog T_T . Thanks!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big God!


How are you all doing? I just felt like posting some stuffs that I've learned today at the Saturday Service/Celebration here in the blog to share with those who can't make it to Service =D.

So actually it's supposed to be Pastor Alejandro Arias preaching tonite at Zion Praise Harvest UWA zone, but he had some problem with his visa and can't make it in time to Perth. Please pray for him so that he might be able to come to Australia and to ZPH yea? Ps Alejadro is a very powerful preacher and you don't wanna miss it if he preaches!

Ps. Alejandro in ZPH Curtin last year (2008). Josh our zone sup is behind =p. Click here to go to Ps. Alejandro's website.
So instead we had a preacher preach to us thru DVD =p. I forgot his name but he preaches a very good message. Basically he is telling us of how big and great is our God that created the universe!

We all know that the Earth is quite Big rite? I mean it IS big...How bout the universe? We know we live on Earth, which part of the Solar System, which is in the Milky Way Galaxy. To know how Big is the Milky Way Galaxy we have to do some maths here...haha but it's a simple one =p.

At Genesis God created light, and all of us Uni students SHOULD know that light travels at 3x10^8 m/s, or 300000000 m/s. With the speed of light you can travel around Earth 7.5 times in a second! Now imagine the distance light will travel in one year, that is

300000000 m/s x 31557600 s = ???? metres

And this quatity is known as Light Years.

And Now the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 Light Years ! Can you imagine how big is that? In the Milky Way Galaxy there's like over 200 Billion stars and the Sun is only one of them. Click here to check out our Milky Way Galaxy.

And that's not the end! Our Milky Way Galaxy is only one of the many many many Galaxies in the Universe! The Known Universe is said to be 93 Billion Light Years in Diameter! We said Know Universe because we haven't actually find out how BIG is the universe!

Does it appear to be unlogical to you if we say the universe is meant for us? Cause it's just too big for us! But if you fit God into the picture, the universe seem to be just about the right size for out God. The universe declares His Glory!!

So what have I learned? I learned that I am really small compared to our God. And our problems are absolutely nothing compared to our God! It's funny to see that we humans are often so full of ourself and so selfish, when we are only a vapour in the wind.

One more interesting thing!
This is The Whirlpool Galaxy which is located 31 million light years away....

And in the middle of the galaxy....this the picture the Hubble telescope caught:

It's a resemblence of Jesus dying on the cross for us...seems like even after 31 million light years away, Jesus is still telling us that He love us so much and died for us to set us free from sin...

God is Great, Amen?

Get refreshed and prepared for the coming week ya? Keep in touch!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Friday 13/3/09 cell Duties.

Sorry guys! Apologies for puttin this up so late.
but it is 12midnite on a thursday and i still cant confirm where cell is goin to be held...
Will let u guys know by sms..
but so far..

Venue : Ansley's or Stef's
Games : Victoria
Worship : Angelene
Word : Angelene too.
Food : Wilson and ryan!!! better be great....

c u all tmr!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heya bros and sis! How's your week goin? Wilson here again~
As for me, I've been trying to study and finish some assignments off (Keyword : trying). But yea still trying hard XD.

Anyways, it's getting hotter again here in Perth! I guess Summer is telling us he is still around eh? Better get out there and do more sports and outdoor activities before Winter (and exams) draws near!

Btw, I was searching in the internet for this comic stip I saw some time ago. A friend of mine emailed it to me long time ago. I spent 2 days finding it but still can't find it. So I resorted to DRAW it out myself, and then upload to this blog to share with you all =D.

Here it is :

Found it interesting and really can relate to it sometimes. What does this comic strip tell you? Why not share your thoughts thru the chatbox located at the upper left hand side of the blog? =)

Meanwhile, don't forget to continue praying no matter how busy/occupied you are k?

Like what Paul said :" Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."
If you are interested you can read more in Collosians 4:2 ^^


Friday, March 6, 2009

2nd Cell Ended!

Hey guys and girls, Bros and Sis! Waddup?! Wilson Here!

Anyway, I'm sort of given the authority to write and post and contribute something to this cell blog that we have. So here I am trying to make some use of myself haha= p.

Tommorow morning (Saturday) there's voleyball competition ( I think ) at Nedlands from 9.45am till 12pm. It'll be at the corner of verdun street and smyth road, Nedlands. I don't know where exactly it is but here's a map...

Yeah but don't hesitate to call either me or Angeline or anyone else you know to ask about the voleyball thingy =D.

Saturday Celebration at UWA zone will start at 4.30pm till something like 6.30pm at Murdoch Lecture Theatre. But do come early at about 4pm to attend Edu Cell to get some 'Edu'cation ya?(and to avoid getting killed by Angeline). If anyone of you need transport to UWA and haven't arrange any yet, gimme a call or something and I'll arrange it for you!

We should be going out for dinner after service and I hope that we will go UNCLE BILLY's!!! So long never dine there already! XD. If you are free and no dinner plans yet why not come along and fellowship and maybe meet some more new friends and make life more interesting?

Like this:

Btw do pray and prepare your hearts before comming service later yea? See ya all soon !


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Friday 6/3/09 cell Duties.

Venue : Ange's very messy and dirty and VERY HUMBLE abode
Time : For core members n anyone who needs a prayer = 6.30 for prayer meeting
             For everyone else = 7.15 for 7.30 start

Game : Chong Wei
Worship : Wilson and his guitar
Word : Ange
FOOOOOOd : Ansley & Steff

Come hungry!!!