Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your plan?

1 Chronicles 28 2-4

King David was old now. He summoned all his officials of Israel at Jerusalem. He spoke:

"I had it in my heart..."

The large crowd listens carefully, as they know this may be their King's last words.

"I had it in my heart to build..."

Oddly enough David did not talk about what he had done during his life, but instead he talks about what he has not yet done.

"I had it in my heart to build a house as a place of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, for the footstool of our God..."  (1 Chronicles 28 :2)"

David wanted to build a temple. David wanted to dedicate his final years to the Lord building His temple.

"I had it in my heart to build a house as a place of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, for the footstool of our God, and I made plans to build it"  (1 Chronicles 28 :2)

David intended to build a temple, and he made plans to build it. Architects chosen, blueprints drawn, thousands talents of Gold and Silver prepared.

Intentions. Preparations. But no temple. Why? David had all it takes to build the Temple. As a man after God's own heart. As a King over Israel. As the one who defeated the giant. David seems to be the right one to build God's temple.

But someone stopped David.

"But God said to me, 'You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are a warrior and have shed blood." (1 Chronicles 28:3)

All of a sudden, God came in with a different plan from what David had.

All David could say was        
I had intended...
I had made preparations....
But God....

Many of us have uttered similar words. God has different plans from what we had in mind. Very often in life we by good intentions made plans to do great things in our lives.

We wanted to serve people, we made preparations, but...

We wanted to lead people, we made preparations, but...

__intended to___, you ____, but ____

Fill in the blanks yourself.

Everyone will have their own moments similar to David's. Most often we felt disappointed or even depressed when our plans don't work the way we wanted. But at times like this, just trust that God's plan for you in your life will always be greater and bigger than your own plans. God sees much further than we do.

What are our plans when we place them in front of God's mighty plans?


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