Sunday, June 7, 2009

Exam timetable

Hey guys,

Sorry for the delay, here is the exam timetable for the cell, let's pray for one another :)

8th June 7, 2009
Victoria – Asian business
Chong wei

9th June 7, 2009
Chong wei

10th June 7, 2009
Sarah-Ann – Taxation
Wilson – Engineering maths
Chong wei

11th June 7, 2009
Ryan – Calculus and probability

12th June 7, 2009
Sarah-Ann – Financial analysis theory practice
Eunice Wong
Joe – Calculus and linear algebra

13th June 7, 2009
Wilson – Stats and solid mechanics

15th June 7, 2009
Sarah-Ann – International finance
Ryan – Web technologies

16th June 7, 2009
Sarah-Ann – Derivatives
Eunice Wong
Wilson – Thermo fluids
Joe - Thermo fluids
Ryan – Marketing management

17th June 7, 2009
Victoria – Human resource management
Eunice Wong

18th June 7, 2009
Eunice Wong

19th June 7, 2009
Victoria - Foundations of employment relations
Chong wei

Ange and ansley, please include your timetable here! :D

All the best for exams.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Exam timetable

Hi guys & gals,

Please email your exam timetable to me and i will conpile it for prayer :) tell me which date and what paper are you having. :) All the best for exams :) Enjoy this time while you can :)

My email address:


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Community Service - Mothers DAy

Hey guys.
FINALLY. We are reaching out to the community.
Mother's day is this coming sunday, and Zion Community Service is taking this oppoturnity
to tell all the mothers out there, that GOD LOVES THEM, even when their society doesnt, even when their own children does, GOD LOVES THEM.
SO, i have decided that we shall make ourselves free this saturday morning, 10am, to join the community ministry in door knocking in the area of Bentley, and go show some love.
So, if u hv work, start chaging it. If u hv assignemtn, start doing it.

Is not hard for us to step out of our comfort zone for 2 hr in our entire life, jus to make a difference in someone's life, forever, rite?

So, cell group! we only hv 3 more weeks together.
Lets go n grow together ok!
Spread the word to the other cell members who DONT BOTHER checkin blog. ha.

LoVE, love..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cell Tomorrow! (24/4/2009)


This week's cell will be at Victoria's place k! It's the one opposite Domino's Pizza if you forgot where is it already....

So far...

Pre-cell Entertainment (a.k.a games) - Ivan
Praise and Worship - Wilson
Refreshment Manager - Sarah-Ann

Still don't know who's doing word yet, should be Peter but I'll confirm again with him.

Oh ya our dear Victoria decided to get baptized soon! And I think the Baptism date falls on 3rd May, which means we have to alter our plans to go Rottness Island. Will discuss more in cell la.

(Btw I'm going to AQWA this sunday morning 10am-2pm with felicia them all. If you interested wanna join then tell me la =p.)

See you in Cell tomorrow!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Walking wisely

"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."
Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)

Do you have an important decision to make today? Rehoboam's story in I Kings 12:1-19has a lesson for each of us in the midst of making hard choices. Rehoboam had a dilemma. He had an important decision to make, and he didn't know what to do.

Following Solomon's death, the people of Israel gathered to make Rehoboam king. About that time, Jeroboam (I know these names are doozies, but hang in there!) came to speak to Rehoboam on behalf of the people. He said, "Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you." The people were worn out. Solomon had been a great king, but he had worked the people into exhaustion with all of his building projects. They were pleading for rest during Rehoboam's reign in exchange for their undying loyalty, but Rehoboam wasn't sure of the kingly response. He asked for three days to come to a decision. Great idea, right? He started well with a request for time to seek counsel.

The first group that he asked for advice was a group of elders who had served under his father. These were men of experience both from years lived and from the places where they had served. They advised Rehoboam to answer the people affirmatively. The elders encouraged him that the people would follow him faithfully if only Rehoboam would humble himself to be a servant leader.

Rehoboam didn't like their answer, so he sought out a different group to ask. This time he decided to ask "the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him." Are warning bells going off for you, too? Not only were these men young and inexperienced, they also were on Rehoboam's payroll and stood to lose or gain by their answer. Here was their advice: "Tell them, 'My little finger is thicker than my father's waist. My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions'" (I Kings 12:10b-11 NIV). Rehoboam foolishly listened to his friends.

If we want to make wise decisions, we need to seek wise counsel. Proverbs 12:15 says, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel." (NAS) How can we make sure that we pick the right people to seek advice from?

Choose a godly person. Proverbs 2:6 tells us, "For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding" (NIV). When I choose to seek advice from someone who knows scripture and seeks God in personal quiet time, I can be assured their advice is based on a foundation of truth.

Choose a person with experience. It's always been helpful to me to learn from other women who have walked before me. I've sought out other teachers, wives, and mothers who are purposeful about building godly relationships and behaving righteously to give me counsel as I live life. It's the principal of the older believers teaching the younger believers that's found in Titus 2.

Choose someone who will tell the truth in love. Ecclesiastes 7:5 explains, "It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke than to listen to the song of fools" (NIV). So many around me would rather "sing me a song" than tell me what I need to hear. I have several friends that I trust to tell me the unvarnished truth when I ask for advice. They love me, but they fear God!

My thought:
Rehoboam's decision changed history. He reaped a rebellion that ripped the country in two. He lost his following, his potential for enormous power, and the favor of God. We don't have to make those mistakes. We can head the warning taught from Rehoboam's story and follow God by seeking wise counsel from now on. :D

Ask yourself these questions:
1. Do I usually seek counsel when I am making a decision?
2. Has there been a time when I've reaped the consequences of following unwise counsel?


Sunday, April 19, 2009

What's your plan?

1 Chronicles 28 2-4

King David was old now. He summoned all his officials of Israel at Jerusalem. He spoke:

"I had it in my heart..."

The large crowd listens carefully, as they know this may be their King's last words.

"I had it in my heart to build..."

Oddly enough David did not talk about what he had done during his life, but instead he talks about what he has not yet done.

"I had it in my heart to build a house as a place of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, for the footstool of our God..."  (1 Chronicles 28 :2)"

David wanted to build a temple. David wanted to dedicate his final years to the Lord building His temple.

"I had it in my heart to build a house as a place of rest for the ark of the covenant of the Lord, for the footstool of our God, and I made plans to build it"  (1 Chronicles 28 :2)

David intended to build a temple, and he made plans to build it. Architects chosen, blueprints drawn, thousands talents of Gold and Silver prepared.

Intentions. Preparations. But no temple. Why? David had all it takes to build the Temple. As a man after God's own heart. As a King over Israel. As the one who defeated the giant. David seems to be the right one to build God's temple.

But someone stopped David.

"But God said to me, 'You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are a warrior and have shed blood." (1 Chronicles 28:3)

All of a sudden, God came in with a different plan from what David had.

All David could say was        
I had intended...
I had made preparations....
But God....

Many of us have uttered similar words. God has different plans from what we had in mind. Very often in life we by good intentions made plans to do great things in our lives.

We wanted to serve people, we made preparations, but...

We wanted to lead people, we made preparations, but...

__intended to___, you ____, but ____

Fill in the blanks yourself.

Everyone will have their own moments similar to David's. Most often we felt disappointed or even depressed when our plans don't work the way we wanted. But at times like this, just trust that God's plan for you in your life will always be greater and bigger than your own plans. God sees much further than we do.

What are our plans when we place them in front of God's mighty plans?


Friday, April 17, 2009

As usual..

Hi everyone.. how's life without ur cell intern n cell leader?? so sad rite?? aaawww.... its ok... we coming back soon! ( which is a sad thing for us, steph.)

I'm really enjoying myself TOO much here in penang. so again i remind u, DO NOT MENTION ANYTHING THAT INVOLVES THE FOLLOWING WORDS : fat, put on , heavy , round, meaty, flabby, chubby , eat too much, etc.........

Anyways, i miss u guys.. n camp looked so fun!!!

Thank you , steph for sharing with us. Rmbr, everyone, be humble.. and be teachable.. there is always a lesson learn from everywhere, everyone.

and most importantly.. continue to know God, love God..
