Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's your vision?

Life without a vision is life without a direction.
Without vision, we are blind. 
It's frightening to be living in total darkness.
You can't see what's in front of you, you don't know where you are going.
don't you want to see where you are going?

Take off the blindfold... walk in light. Live in the light.

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
John 8:12

My Cell Vision for us...

1) To be God's people that prays fervently, boldly and worships passionately!
2) To be selfless people whom remember the lost, the poor , the hungry , and the sick.
     This was Jesus' very main ministry when He was on earth. While we are enjoying our food 
      at home, the comfort of our bed, the fellowship of our friends, let us not forget that there is 
      a real world out there that is really broken, hurt and in pain. 

    Eph 2 :8-10 ..... We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus FOR good works....

    YOU can make a difference.. You are CREATED, to make a difference!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Irashaimase! Huan Ying! Welcome! Foon Yeng! Selamat Datang

My very first blog.. but more importantly, OUR VERY CELL'S BLOG!!
figured that this would be the best place to keep everyone updated (with cell news, cell info , cell announcements, and even cell COMPLAINTS!!! MUAHAHhaha)

i hope this is the best way(cheapest way) that we can get connected.
So everyone, feel free to add anything! and PLEASE add something, so i won't look like a loner if someone from the other end of the hemisphere decide to click on to our blog and notice i'm jus "talking" to myself.
ANyways... look foward to this new FAMILY of mine.
i hope u guys are as excited as i am. i promise to be nice... at least as nice as i can. :p

WooHOo! 1st Post! DONE
